Homes for Sale in Kedron Hills

As of December 28, 2023, the following homes are listed for sale in the Kedron Hills Community Association:


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Note: Homes on Astoria Lane with house number 1116 and those 1123 and higher, Greenwood Lane with house numbers under 700 (i.e. those on the north side of the street), and the homes on Loring Lane with house numbers 315, 317, 319 (presumed, currently under construction) and 321 (also known as the Fox Hill Mansion), are not part of the Kedron Hills Community Association.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided as-is and as-available and is subject to change without notice. Listing information is provided for reference only and does not constitute an endorsement, approval or verification of the listing source or content by KHCA, and is not a confirmation that all association dues have been fully paid and that the property is free of liens or other encumbrances; the content of these listings is entirely the responsibility of the seller, the seller’s agent(s), and other third parties; under no circumstances does KHCA assume any liability or fault for any error, omission, or misrepresentation provided therein.